Immediate Relief of Emotion with Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a practice of Traditional Chinese
Medicine that can help relieve a wide variety of physical ailments and can also
have positive effects on the emotional environment.
In terms of Emotional Relief, it can help reduce
stress, anxiety, depression, anger, fear, phobias, remorse, guilt, and other
negative emotions.
Stimulation of certain points connected to the brain, especially the hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal gland can stimulate the
release of endorphins, dopamines, oxytocin, adrenaline, melatonin, and other
neurotransmitters that can eliminate pain and improve moods and promote a
feeling of calm and relaxation.
However, in addition to Immediate Relief of Emotion
with Acupuncture, recovery is usually more effective when combined with other
emotional management strategies such as meditation, psychoanalysis, Herbalism,
4th and 5th steps of AA, etc.
Suppose you are interested in the Phenomenon of Immediate Relief of Emotion. In that case, I am a certified and experienced professional who did his
Social Service in a Center against addictions with official registration of the
Jalisco State Institute of Social Assistance (IJAS) and the State Council
Against Drugs. I can evaluate your situation and create a treatment plan that
is right for you.
“When it is darker it is because it is about to dawn.”
More information at cell. WhatsApp 322 888 7134.
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