Cold water rub with


How to control fever.

"There is nothing better for a sick person than a cold water rub with a towel."
Father Tadeo

   * This is the simplest and most important application, consisting of quickly wetting the entire body surface from the ankles to the neck, sliding a towel more or less soaked in cold water depending on whether the body heat is higher or lower. A medium-sized towel folded in 6 or 8 parts is used, which is unfolded in each pass so that the part that has been heated and soiled in contact.
This rub can be applied standing next to the bed or placing papers or newspaper sheets on the floor to avoid wetting the floor. The patient will return to bed without drying the skin, or under these conditions, he will quickly dress to do some exercise or walk. Not being able to get up the patient, the rub will be given on the same bed and, once the body has been completely naked, the rub will be applied to all that, passing the towel from the ankles to the neck, immediately sheltering without drying the skin.

To make the rub more effective, it is advisable to follow the order that is going to be exposed, to avoid inconvenience to the heart, even if it is the most diseased organ. You will start first from the front with a pass of wet towel that will go from the tip of the right foot up to the neck; another from the tip of the left foot to the neck; and then from the center and between the legs to the neck. Immediately the right side with a pass from the tip of the right foot through the armpit and continuing through the inside of the arm towards the hand and then going up the back of the hand to the shoulder and neck, then the same will be done with the left side; and finally the back will be wet from the nape through the entire spine to the bottom of the feet, always changing the sheet of the towel, and wetting it again, draining the excess water to avoid wetting the bed.

When the rub is done standing up, the back gets wet in a single pass, unfolding the towel and taking it from both extremities to travel the back from the nape to the sole of the feet and finally standing on it.

Immediately go to bed well covered without drying the skin, or dress without drying and do physical exercise for 10 to 20 minutes to produce the heat reaction. It is recommended for better control reaction to go to bed for 20 minutes. In both cases, the important thing is to get the heat reaction, and never cool down.

It is recommended to do it daily when getting up, the body should be hot from head to toe.

The beneficial effects of this simple application are as follows:

1. It awakens the body's natural defenses, allowing it to fight advantageously with the abnormality, always fever or internal fever to varying degrees

2. It favors the eliminations, activating kidneys, lungs, skin, and intestines;

3. It awakens fever or curative fever on the surface of the body and with it diminishes the fever or destructive fever of the entrails restoring the thermal balance.

4. It calms the nervous excitement and calms the excessive activity of the heart, allowing it to rest and rest the nerves, manifesting these benefits with improved pulse and restful and restful sleep.

5. It normalizes blood circulation, deriving the internal congestion towards the skin and extremities, being therefore the best relief for the lungs and internal congestion.

6. Activates digestive function promoting nutrition

Even to die calmly, the rubbing of cold water is good and with its application, painful agony is avoided by passing into a final trance without the anguish of the intoxicated person by drugs and injections.

7. Body, mind, and emotions are harmonized.

Good Health to all !!

Contact Cel./WhatsUp 322 134 6651 in Puerto Vallarta.


La medicina natural al alcance de todos. Manuel Lezaeta. Edit. Pax Mexico.                             Régimen de Vida Sana. Dr. Silvino Diaz Martinez.  Editorial Vida Sana. Guadalajara, Jalisco


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