The Purpose of the Health Restoration Program.


In Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mex.

The purpose of the content of this page is intended to serve as a guide for people who are initiated into the practices of naturism, and who wish to recover, maintain, and prolong health through the Quick Health Restoration Program.

     The lack of information about the reactions that usually occur in the course of the restoration of health causes confusion and discouragement, doubts, anguish, and worry, and people ask, Am I getting worse ?, Are things being complicated? Are these manifestations normal? Am I doing well? What will I eat? Do these or these foods combine well? These are some doubts and frequently asked questions that people make themselves.

     Simply and objectively, you will find the answer to these doubts, by explaining here how the different uses of water, air, sun, and earth (mud), knowledge of beneficial foods and those that are harmful to health, bad combinations, etc.
     What are the curative or depurative crises, the reactions that can occur at the beginning or during the time that takes the Quick Health Restoration Program, and what should be done to make the reactions milder and bearable?

     The selection of natural foods, fresh and combined correctly, with good chewing, and proper salivation of food, will allow us a good digestion, proper assimilation, and correct elimination, which translates into a healthy life full of health and well-being.

     The regenerative possibilities of the human organism, when it has the right food, habits of life in complete harmony with the laws of nature, and a positive mental attitude are immense.
     Nobody knows what health really is until it loses it or seriously damages it. Health is like fortune; if we waste it soon disappears.

     It is better to take care of health than illness. Health is something that is not bought, given away, or found in supermarkets or pharmacies, but must be won, cultivated, and preserved.  As Manuel Lezaeta says, is the result of our own daily acts, subject to the laws of nature. Hence, the patient's own will is the first agent of health.

     Every day more people adopt the Quick Health Restoration Program for their own good and that of their family. On your own initiative, be one of them. It is in your hands the opportunity.

     Good health to all.
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