The Health Restoration Program.


For more than a hundred years the Mexican health system has been based
on the bacterial doctrine of Louis Pasteur, attacking the microbe as the cause of the disease and in practice saturating the patient with pharmaceutical drugs that anesthetize or drug the symptom and causing acidity.

     This has been adverse for the health of the Mexicans, since Mexico occupies at the moment world-wide places of diabetes, cancer, obesity, circulatory problems, etc.

     That is why, the Quick Health Restoration Program, it aims to create awareness of what is required to maintain and restore health and teach the patient to take responsibility for their own health by becoming aware of what they eat and through therapeutic hygienic practices.

     The Quick Restoration Program indicates and recommends the use of natural life-generating agents such as sunlight, water, air, clay, fruit vegetables, nuts, cereals, seeds, cheeses, eggs, open air exercises, etc. In order to detoxify the body so that it is the very nature and vital force of the individual what works for the benefit of health.

    This is the purpose of this Blog, to propose Alternative Therapies to people who are willing to pay the price of health.

Good health to all.

English spoken.
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